Sundays 7pm eastern

Replays on Radio614 and WCRS.FM
Tuesdays 3a, Thursdays 2a, Fridays 5a



HUMAN INTERVIEWS is a project i began in 2014 where i facilitate interview dialogues with people i know or people i meet on ideas of self/no self, time, perception, love, and other things that bring wonder or questions to me. Mostly unanswerable things. Interviews are collected on the fly wherever i find myself to be or i schedule them with people who want to talk with me and contribute a moment’s idea on things. Explicit language and views with which you may not agree.

For each episode I curate clips from interviews held between 2022-2014. All interviewees are recorded consentually for the purpose of sharing through my creative projects including the HUMAN INTERVIEWS radio show/podcast, as well as classes, choreography, installations, and writings.

UPDATE: Beginning in September 2021 interviewees have the option to remain anonymous or to be named. Remaining anonymous was the practice from 2014-2021 out of solidarity with some of the first interviewees who could not be named for safety or privacy. Since then I learned that the project can stand with the anonymous as well as with people who choose to be named.

Verge.FM was an online radio station based in Columbus, Ohio from 2020-2022 uplifting creatives from the Midwest and beyond. Episodes of Human Interviews aired the third Friday of the month at 8pm for two years on Verge.FM app and streaming online. I am immensely grateful to the founders of VRRG for the platform to share this project’s first 16 episodes and the impetus to continue it beyond.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Human Interviews © 2014 by Nicole Garlando 2014-2024 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0